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An avid movie collector reviews movies, games, and TV shows for the common man, among other things. Spoiler Free
Friday, March 26, 2004
Welcome to Dean’s third Conservative (Christian) Bashing
I hate to bash my own kind again but recent events have gotten me mad to the point where once again I punish all of you with my thoughts. I have two connecting points of contention.
1. In case you haven’t heard the world of Radio and Television is going through many changes in relation to content, mostly due to Janet Jackson’s Half-Time special and Howard Stern. The new plan will make the fines for foul language and the like astronomically high and they will increase per infraction. On top of that multiple infractions can cause the FCC to strip away the Radio/Tv station’s license to broadcast. I.E. good bye Howard Stern. Howard Stern will most likely have to move to XM radio eventually because of the new rules, and many of you are glad. I am not. See, I loved the “listen to what you want” theory of radio. If you don’t like Howard Stern don’t listen to him. If a tree falls in the woods and Howard Stern has lesbians have sex on it, if you don’t know about it who cares? I like Freedom of Speech and although I don’t use it as he does, I don’t want to infringe on my rights to shut him up. I have been blissfully unaware of his actions for a long time, and I could continue for as long as he exists. I will conclude further below.
2. Bush has stepped out and called for an Amendment to the constitution to forbid gay marriages. Although Biblically viable, it is legally ridiculous. Although I am a Christian I must point out that this government is not a Theocracy (God as Ruler) and it shouldn’t be. My beliefs as a Christian are protected by the First Amendment, and under that same Amendment Gay people should be protected to love and marry each other. I don’t think its right (morally), but legally I see no ground to forbid it. If we pass an Amendment that gives the Government the authority to make judgment calls that can forbid such beliefs we are endangering many of the beliefs we hold dear. Now we have a Conservative Christian in the office of the President, but 20 years from now when a strict Atheist takes office, do we want the precedence of an Anti-Gay Amendment at his disposal? Christians cause all kinds of trouble, I could put together a law to shut us up. And I could make it sound good too, and the consequences would be awful. Both of these instances are the beginning steps toward disaster, and if I didn’t think about the ramifications I could maybe stand behind them. As for language on the TV I feel more strongly about properly educating people how to use this language we call English instead of hopelessly trying to protect them from words we use everyday. And for Gay people, I don’t agree with their lifestyle but I would fight for their right to live it, since the principles on which it is based are so important to me. It is not our place to judge these things, and if we want to get to Bible thumping Amendments, if we want to get strict we could outlaw getting drunk and premarital sex, and worshipping other gods, being Unitarian etc etc etc.
WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain for PS2
Bottom Line – Best Wrestling Game Ever
I don’t watch Wrestling, I haven’t since Hulk Hogan wasn’t the biggest thing around. But Wrestling games…that can be fun, although the games are almost always ruined by the worst control schemes you can possibly imagine, where you fought with only 3 moves at you disposal. One game I played only to create characters, I never fought with them (WWF Warzone N64). The only Wrestling game that I liked up to this point was WCW Revenge for N64. Alright, take all the good things about that game (Control System, Fun) now add the best Create-a-Character builder I have ever seen, add custom entrances and music, and a storyline mode more fun than any evening of Raw has ever been, and you get Here Comes the Pain. THQ (who made Revenge) made this game so the controls are an evolved version of the ones that appeared there. It is diverse enough that you could not repeat a move if you didn’t want, and easy enough to remember so you aren’t fighting with random attacks. I love the story mode the best, I created myself Dean “The Master” McCarthy and have since had female managers fight for the honor of representing me, won the Tag-Team title, and even created my own faction in the WWE universe. The series is totally open to using your created characters which enhances everything, so my girlfriend Julie is my manager, and be careful she wrecks more house than my character does (High Heels…man do they damage). The story is also always evolving off of your decisions and outcomes of matches so on subsequent playings you would probably have a whole different experience, kind of like a Choose-your-own-adventure journey through the wild drama of Wrestling. I am hopelessly addicted to this game, and when Champions of Norrath shows up I am going to be all messed up. *Buy* you have to, and if you don’t own a PS2 get one.
For additional pleasure Dave (see link on right) came up and we created George Bush and Saddam Hussein. Since then it has been a near daily ritual to have them fight each other controlled by the computer, it is the best waste of 5 minutes I can think of. The two are tied at the moment with 2 wins each, and the best of 5 battle will have to be momentous. Although, I think Bush is going to win, because he fights dirty…and because Saddam dances too much.
Dawn of the Dead Review

I am still keeping up with that list of movies, although I am going to skip Scooby Doo 2 and Lady Killer officially.
Dawn of the Dead was excellent, and undoubtedly the best zombie movie since its precessor with the same name. I went in to this looking for only a few things and all of them were delivered.
Thing 1. A period of safety and bliss within the mall. This is important because it is the crux of the whole zombie dream which I will expound upon later.
Thing 2. Ving Rhames with a Shotgun. Brilliant.
The Action was precision, the tension and suspense was exceedingly high, and the zombies were delicious. The movie took just what it needed from the original, the mall and zombies, and then took it to all new places. The characters were all done well, either to make you love them or love to hate them. I felt the movie was near flawless until the end. The movie closes and then during the credits it pisses all over the wonderful ending. I'd tell you to quickly run away and avoid it but not even I would listen to that advice, just start telling yourself it isn't real and you can walk home happy. I have decided to delete it from my mind as soon as I finish this review, so don't remind me of it should we meet. Overall, it was very entertaining, and the suspence was thrilling, catch it in the theatre.
I am especially interested in zombie movies because it is an important part of my dream world to fight zombies. The original movie has always been my favorite because it cuts right to the kind of things that I would do should we be overtaken by Zombies. I do have working strategies on zombie defense and combat, and although not a single part of me believes it could happen, I do know exactly what I would do if it did. I dream of zombies a lot, and I was telling Dave and Julie that I would love to play a video game where you are given a building and a few supplies and you have to build a zombie-proof fortress. If any video game producers read my site e-mail me, I think this game could work. Because I can't be the only one...and if I am don't tell me.
P.S. - Nothing is better than an intimidating man with a shotgun, and I felt it would be good to remind everyone of Ray Liotta in Narc. He rocks it out just as well as Ving, although he is scarier. Enjoy these pictures.

Also, my apologies to everyone who complained about my Delroy Lindo blog. I didn't mention that he was in Gone in 60 Seconds and I got a lot of flak for it. I will mention that I don't list actor's entire filmographies in the Supporting Actor post, but I will try to mention some of the more popular pieces that they appeared in. Sorry Delroy.
I hate to bash my own kind again but recent events have gotten me mad to the point where once again I punish all of you with my thoughts. I have two connecting points of contention.
1. In case you haven’t heard the world of Radio and Television is going through many changes in relation to content, mostly due to Janet Jackson’s Half-Time special and Howard Stern. The new plan will make the fines for foul language and the like astronomically high and they will increase per infraction. On top of that multiple infractions can cause the FCC to strip away the Radio/Tv station’s license to broadcast. I.E. good bye Howard Stern. Howard Stern will most likely have to move to XM radio eventually because of the new rules, and many of you are glad. I am not. See, I loved the “listen to what you want” theory of radio. If you don’t like Howard Stern don’t listen to him. If a tree falls in the woods and Howard Stern has lesbians have sex on it, if you don’t know about it who cares? I like Freedom of Speech and although I don’t use it as he does, I don’t want to infringe on my rights to shut him up. I have been blissfully unaware of his actions for a long time, and I could continue for as long as he exists. I will conclude further below.
2. Bush has stepped out and called for an Amendment to the constitution to forbid gay marriages. Although Biblically viable, it is legally ridiculous. Although I am a Christian I must point out that this government is not a Theocracy (God as Ruler) and it shouldn’t be. My beliefs as a Christian are protected by the First Amendment, and under that same Amendment Gay people should be protected to love and marry each other. I don’t think its right (morally), but legally I see no ground to forbid it. If we pass an Amendment that gives the Government the authority to make judgment calls that can forbid such beliefs we are endangering many of the beliefs we hold dear. Now we have a Conservative Christian in the office of the President, but 20 years from now when a strict Atheist takes office, do we want the precedence of an Anti-Gay Amendment at his disposal? Christians cause all kinds of trouble, I could put together a law to shut us up. And I could make it sound good too, and the consequences would be awful. Both of these instances are the beginning steps toward disaster, and if I didn’t think about the ramifications I could maybe stand behind them. As for language on the TV I feel more strongly about properly educating people how to use this language we call English instead of hopelessly trying to protect them from words we use everyday. And for Gay people, I don’t agree with their lifestyle but I would fight for their right to live it, since the principles on which it is based are so important to me. It is not our place to judge these things, and if we want to get to Bible thumping Amendments, if we want to get strict we could outlaw getting drunk and premarital sex, and worshipping other gods, being Unitarian etc etc etc.
WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain for PS2
Bottom Line – Best Wrestling Game Ever
I don’t watch Wrestling, I haven’t since Hulk Hogan wasn’t the biggest thing around. But Wrestling games…that can be fun, although the games are almost always ruined by the worst control schemes you can possibly imagine, where you fought with only 3 moves at you disposal. One game I played only to create characters, I never fought with them (WWF Warzone N64). The only Wrestling game that I liked up to this point was WCW Revenge for N64. Alright, take all the good things about that game (Control System, Fun) now add the best Create-a-Character builder I have ever seen, add custom entrances and music, and a storyline mode more fun than any evening of Raw has ever been, and you get Here Comes the Pain. THQ (who made Revenge) made this game so the controls are an evolved version of the ones that appeared there. It is diverse enough that you could not repeat a move if you didn’t want, and easy enough to remember so you aren’t fighting with random attacks. I love the story mode the best, I created myself Dean “The Master” McCarthy and have since had female managers fight for the honor of representing me, won the Tag-Team title, and even created my own faction in the WWE universe. The series is totally open to using your created characters which enhances everything, so my girlfriend Julie is my manager, and be careful she wrecks more house than my character does (High Heels…man do they damage). The story is also always evolving off of your decisions and outcomes of matches so on subsequent playings you would probably have a whole different experience, kind of like a Choose-your-own-adventure journey through the wild drama of Wrestling. I am hopelessly addicted to this game, and when Champions of Norrath shows up I am going to be all messed up. *Buy* you have to, and if you don’t own a PS2 get one.
For additional pleasure Dave (see link on right) came up and we created George Bush and Saddam Hussein. Since then it has been a near daily ritual to have them fight each other controlled by the computer, it is the best waste of 5 minutes I can think of. The two are tied at the moment with 2 wins each, and the best of 5 battle will have to be momentous. Although, I think Bush is going to win, because he fights dirty…and because Saddam dances too much.
Dawn of the Dead Review

I am still keeping up with that list of movies, although I am going to skip Scooby Doo 2 and Lady Killer officially.
Dawn of the Dead was excellent, and undoubtedly the best zombie movie since its precessor with the same name. I went in to this looking for only a few things and all of them were delivered.
Thing 1. A period of safety and bliss within the mall. This is important because it is the crux of the whole zombie dream which I will expound upon later.
Thing 2. Ving Rhames with a Shotgun. Brilliant.
The Action was precision, the tension and suspense was exceedingly high, and the zombies were delicious. The movie took just what it needed from the original, the mall and zombies, and then took it to all new places. The characters were all done well, either to make you love them or love to hate them. I felt the movie was near flawless until the end. The movie closes and then during the credits it pisses all over the wonderful ending. I'd tell you to quickly run away and avoid it but not even I would listen to that advice, just start telling yourself it isn't real and you can walk home happy. I have decided to delete it from my mind as soon as I finish this review, so don't remind me of it should we meet. Overall, it was very entertaining, and the suspence was thrilling, catch it in the theatre.
I am especially interested in zombie movies because it is an important part of my dream world to fight zombies. The original movie has always been my favorite because it cuts right to the kind of things that I would do should we be overtaken by Zombies. I do have working strategies on zombie defense and combat, and although not a single part of me believes it could happen, I do know exactly what I would do if it did. I dream of zombies a lot, and I was telling Dave and Julie that I would love to play a video game where you are given a building and a few supplies and you have to build a zombie-proof fortress. If any video game producers read my site e-mail me, I think this game could work. Because I can't be the only one...and if I am don't tell me.
P.S. - Nothing is better than an intimidating man with a shotgun, and I felt it would be good to remind everyone of Ray Liotta in Narc. He rocks it out just as well as Ving, although he is scarier. Enjoy these pictures.

Also, my apologies to everyone who complained about my Delroy Lindo blog. I didn't mention that he was in Gone in 60 Seconds and I got a lot of flak for it. I will mention that I don't list actor's entire filmographies in the Supporting Actor post, but I will try to mention some of the more popular pieces that they appeared in. Sorry Delroy.
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