
An avid movie collector reviews movies, games, and TV shows for the common man, among other things. Spoiler Free

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Games that Make Me Mad

I have many complaints about games, however these two piss me off the most. I'm a heavy gamer as in I play a lot, however I am not a hardcore gamer in that I want gaming to be a tortuous challenge to test my mettle. I want to play it, enjoy it, and beat it. However, lately games have been getting really really difficult and I haven't had the patience to finish them. I tried to rock out Manhunt again, but each level takes about 3 hours to beat because you have to die multiple times to learn the level enough to beat it. Each death represents a 20-40 minute replay of the level to get to the part that killed you before. This repetitiveness tires me quickly and after 2-3 deaths I quit. Sometimes I can pick the game back up and sometimes I can't. Usually I can't. Kill.Switch, Max Payne 2, Hitman, and now Manhunt have all been put away because they were just as described above.

The second problem stems from the first. When a game gets really difficult you have two options, you get a walkthrough from a site like Gamefaqs.com or you enter a cheat code. I use Walkthroughs when I need to but I don't like having to read my way through each problem I want to just play. So then you have cheat codes, but most games anymore don't let you use cheat codes until you beat the game. BUT WHY?!? If I could beat the game I wouldn't need Cheat Codes! I need a temporary God Mode to get me past the current problem level so I can continue enjoying the game. For their lack of having them, I get tired and sell/return the game. I can't see that being good for the game, so why don't they make these features available for us less Hardcore gamers? I don't know, but maybe the gaming community will read this and change...and maybe Donald Trump will read this and give me money...and maybe George Bush will read this and appoint me Secretary of Games...and maybe I'll wake up tomorrow just as lame as I was today. Most likely the lame one.

By the way I saw Kill Bill vol. 2 and I liked it however I am going to hold off on the review until Julie writes up hers. That's right I have asked Julie to give a quick little Female perspective on all the guy movies I drag her to. She takes a bit longer to write hers because she takes it more seriously than I do since I just think out loud onto the screen and publish it, but hopefully it will be worth the wait. And maybe this will improve my female demographic whom I haven't been hearing from much and therefore I doubt that they even exist. If so, tell you Female friends a sensible voice is coming, and I will not be the only idiot ranting on this site. Not that Julie is an idiot. But you know what I mean.
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