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An avid movie collector reviews movies, games, and TV shows for the common man, among other things. Spoiler Free
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
I bought Star Wars with the money from the Extra Seinfeld. And I am well pleased. I hope that Lucas releases a 3 pack of the first 3 and not just a 6 pack. Because I will kick him in the balls if he does that.
Also Zoo Tycoon 2 for PC is fraught with compatibility issues, after 2-3 hours with tech support I am still unable to get it working for Julie. Be careful if you seek to purchase it.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Seinfeld Seasons 1+2 on DVD
My soon to be Brother and Sister in laws got me this set which will begin the trend of Seinfeld seasons in my collection which will eventually have to spill into its own section of my movie world. I now have at least 20 seasons of shows, and their larger casing is making them loom large over the puny DVDs.
Thanks Greg and Becky
Dracula Legacy Collection
I have loved the classic Universal horror movies since I was a kid and Phil dressed up as Dracula every year. After Van Helsing was released to the world, they released the legacy collections which are an Orgy of classics in one set. The Dracula edition comes with the original and spanish versions from 1931, Dracula's Daughter (1936), Son of Dracula (1943), and House of Dracula (1945). Son of Dracula should be the transition from Bela Lugosi to Lon Cheney Jr. and House of Dracula should be rife with villians much like Van Helsing. But most exciting for some reason is the fact that several trailers are included, and I really want to watch horror trailers from the 1930's. This will rule and just like Seinfeld it will make me want the whole series which includes The Wolf Man, Frankenstein, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Invisible Man, and The Mummy.
Thanks Julie
Rain Man
The Special Edition of Rain Man came with a 27X40 Movie Frame which will join the three that my folks got to fully deck out my movie room/office. I was glad I received Rain Man because it is the kind of movie I wouldn't buy for myself but would love to have. It has 3 commentary tracks and I don't know which one I would like to hear more, probably Director Barry Levinson's.
Thanks Baughmans
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Season 3
Continuing my series collection, Aqua Teen is starting to make its presence known in the TV DVD section of my bookcase. This case is by far the best, and it was one of the few DVDs I really really wanted for Christmas.
Thanks Julie
Final Fantasy 3 for SNES
Julie hunted down a FF3 game for me and I am very proud. It was probably the biggest gaping hole in my game collection, and something I sorely missed. This game was my childhood, and I can't help but remember my first 2 cd's (Wow I used to have only 2 cd's and like 3 movies) which were R.E.M's Out of Time and Nirvana's Nevermind. I played this game and cycled back and forth the two cd's until they are now forever linked to my experience. I couldn't fight Ogres without "Country Feedback", and now I will live it again. This is a fine thing.
Thanks Julie
My parents also scored me the Seinfeld set, which I am going to return today for one of these 4 deas.
The Star Wars Trilogy
Lucas will release a 6 pack I know, but I can't wait that long, plus I don't think it will be much different by way of features. So this is my number 1 pick.
Seinfeld Season 3
The first full length season could be my purchase, in the never done "Season Switch" but this probably to be nabbed later.
Martin Scorcese Collection
They might have this at Sam's Club and if they do it will be tempting because I will never buy it and it will be awesome.
That 70's Show
I love this show and I apologize for all the mindless things I said against it. I haven't seen an episode I didn't like and so yeah I want the heck out of this.
These are my options, it will be good regardless.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I now almost nothing about this movie, but I wanted to see it. And after all the battling for it in our White Elephant DVD exchange I had to take it. I almost had the Special Edition E.T. but I am still happy with the mystery of Dynamite. I supplied Big Fish which was my #1 pick of 2004 so I thought it was a good pick, and Lydia Singer was lucky enough to nab it. So congrats. I would like to thank Bethel Baptist Church for the opportunity to even further expand my DVD collection, and save me a rental. Booyah.
It was an interesting eclectic mix, and some of the movies were surprising for a Church Group. This is what I can recall.
Maid in Manhattan
Young Frankenstein
Waking Ned Devine
Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Donnie Darko
Boondock Saints
About Schmidt
Big Daddy
Muppets in Space
My Best Friend's Wedding
Suicide Kings
Mrs. Doubtfire
Baby Geniouses
Gross Point Blank
and Dragon Fighter starring Dean Cain which was the much feared title of the evening.
The group was supposed to stay below 10 bucks but that was broken for several of the picks, you can probably guess which ones.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Once again I find myself struggling to update my site. Work, Wedding, and Holiday business has held me up, but I threw away the restraints and now I will rave and rant about a bunch of random crap. Old School.
Early Christmas
I celebrated some christmas happiness with a few friends a few days back and the bounty was good.
Saturday Night Live - The Best of Christopher Walken
I probably wouldn't have bought this, but now I look forward to all the great awkward skits starring the brilliant Walken. Especially the Blue Oyster Cult skit with not enough Cowbell.
Thanks Dave
Final Fantasy Anthology - PS1
I am a classic Final Fantasy fan, and I still play Final Fantasy 1 for my NES (and for my PS1, and if Julie buys the Gameboy one I'll play it too) and this set features FF 5 and 6 which are both steeped in the style and depth of the original but with a lot more features. FF 7 started in with the heavy cut scenes and changed up the gameplay (And for the better in many ways) but for me I usually want to get lost in the simplicity of the early titles. This Game set represents about 80+ hours of my life I am going to waste over the next few years. Good Prize.
Thanks Chris
Eddie Murphy and Fred Schneider CD's
I have to listen to these, Dave got them I'm sure as a gag, but its possible that they will feature a song as funny as Murphy's Party all the Time, or Schneider's Monster in my Pants. We shall see.
Thanks Dave
Classic Toys
I received the classic Iceman X-Men toy as well as the Trifecta of Star Wars Episode 1 guys - Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul. The Trio will probably pose off in combat on one of my shelves, and Iceman will hang in my freezer and frost up my beverages.
Thanks CJ
Buffy Season 7
Finally I have completed the Buffy series and I would like to thank Target for offering it so cheaply on Black Friday weekend and for Julie allowing me to purchase. This set contains many hours of enjoyment, and now that Julie is actually getting into the show I am really optimistic for her to actually watch the show this far. And then we will have a good thing.
Thanks Julie
24 Season 3
Rumored stolen, and the skulls of the world threatened in my reckoning, the post office called and said they screwed up and it finally came. Now I can complete the series in time for the 2 hour premier in January. Missing the climax before the premier would have been a tragedy.
Thanks Baughmans (Actually this is a Birthday gift that was delayed by the December release of the Series.
I am selling the first season of Kids in the Hall online, if you are interested contact me or check Amazon.com
Why do things need to Match?
I have grown tired of the Aesthetic that requires colors to coordinate. We should shake this off because it restricts us in almost every way. But I know you are all thinking, "Ugh, I hate mismatched clothes and drapes and whatnot." So I move to simplify. In most futuristic movies we are all wearing one piece suits of a single color scheme and I am for it. The hassles of life would be dwindled considerably if we didn't have to worry about matching, style, and decor. I want my one piece, even if it would be entirely unflattering to my body shape I will wear it with Gusto, and style will be captured only in our choice of headwear. And I will wear a lightning bandanna.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
2004 Movie Ranking
I return from absence with a huge 2004 roundup. I know some of you are saying “But 2004 isn’t over yet.” But for me it is. I might catch one more movie but most likely I have seen what I will see this year and here they are in order. Oh, and these movies didn’t have to be released in 2004 to make the list if I caught it for the first time and its newish I included it.
This movie was the most fulfilling movie of the year, with a delivery of quality drama, comedy, and romance. The story was very effective and the acting was brilliant. Few movies can stand next to this one, and I didn’t really have to think hard about making this my number 1 pick for 2004.
Possibly Pixar’s finest hour, this one also delivers on all fronts with excellent drama, action, romance, and comedy. Kudos to Samuel L. Jackson and Holly Hunter for making the movie especially pleasing.
3. Kill Bill Vol. 2
Quentin slowed the action from the first Volume and steeped us in a clever storyline. The story was well crafted and increased my appreciation for the set as a whole. Plus some sweet action still resides here.
4. The Passion
A fine portrayal of the last hours of Christ’s life on Earth. This although beautifully, and painfully, filmed makes it this high on the list because of my emotional and spiritual attachment to the story. It changes your understanding and consideration of one of the most important events in history, and that’s pretty good for a movie.
5. Spiderman 2
Ebert says it’s the best superhero movie ever. I might agree, I want to watch it again though. The storyline might be the best but I guess I was disappointed by some of the finale.
It’s Jack Black and some family comedy gold. Plus some music that justified the purchase of the soundtrack. I was well pleased.
7. Dawn of the Dead
(stupid unfixable indent)
Once again, and I can’t stress enough, skip the credits. Omitting what transpires there I would consider this the best Zombie Action movie ever. The Original being the best Zombie movie ever. The next incarnation needs to be the best Zombie Romance ever.
8. Walking Tall
9. Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter is a wonderful fantasy movie and I understand and respect the hype. If I was a kid I would be dreaming of wizardry too. I instead got some kind of Hulk Hogan/Gambit/Sgt. Slaughter dream where I beat the crap of out of villains everywhere.
Um..anyway this is some good stuff, and actually somewhat difficult to compare to the other two.
I didn’t even finish this and I know I will like it. Very well made drama, and the acting is rather compelling. I will finish my thoughts when I do complete it.
11. Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind
I really got into this movie for some reason, and I have thought back on it a few times. Once Julie gives it back to me I will watch it again and see what happens to my mind.
12. Death to Smoochy
This movie is hilarious and you all blew it by not watching it.
13. The Missing
This movie freaked me out and got me all excited. I gained even more respect for Cate Blanchette and Tommy Lee Jones, and especially Ron Howard I didn’t think he was capable of this.
A quality film of a drug smuggling Sgt. Bilko of sorts. I love Joaquin Phoenix and this was one of his best.
15. Bubba Ho Tep
I have never seen a movie anything like this, and I don’t think I ever will. The elements found here may never be found again so enjoy them, because I don’t see another Elvis vs. Mummy picture coming for years.
16. Starsky and Hutch
Guilty Pleasure comedy that delivered on its laughs often. That all I ask for and so it ranks well.
17. The Village
Quality Shyamalan but lessened compared to his other films. The replay value may be lower though, I guess that’s why it isn’t higher on the list.
18. Hero
One of the better storylines I have seen in a martial arts movie, just a shame the martial arts were a waste of time.
19. Once Upon a Time in
Enjoyable action romp with a spectacular cast.
20. Interstate 60
Enjoyable but somewhat forgettable film.
21. American Splendor
Intriguing but hard to enjoy again. It was rather unique though.
22. Dodgeball The Movie
Dumb Funny, I will probably still buy it, but part of my soul will depart with the purchase.
23. Van Helsing
Good action and buildup, followed by not so good action and a poor ending.
24. Lost in Translation
I liked it but don’t really want to watch it again, at least for awhile.
25. Cabin Fever
Crazy horror campyness. I thought about placing it higher but I couldn’t decide on a spot so here it sits.
26. The Grudge
Freaky but wholly disappointing.
27. Master and Commander
The movie just started getting good and it ended.
28. Dreamcatcher
Was probably a better book.
29. Johnny English
Was really dumb but had a few funny parts.
30. Terminator 3
Some cool action but never really interested me.
31. Two Brothers
Two Tigers playing cute and then separated then Two Tigers playing tough united once again in brotherly love. Yeah that’s the story stretched over two hours.
32. Looney Tunes Back in Action
Really disappointing since it finally placed Bugs where he belonged, behind Daffy.
33. Taking Lives
Not enough Keifer, although he might not have been enough either.
34. House of the Dead
So bad it almost became good again. But it didn’t.